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5 trends in education to watch in 2018

The professional development of staff in education

It is a trend in education internationally in recent years; However, Quebec trailed, given particularly the lack of material available online in French. For some time, there is a series of French initiatives coming to correct the situation and we might see an explosion in the number of Francophone teachers actively engage in in2018 to continuous development. For example, the Centre animation, development and research in education for the 21st century, known under the name of CADRE21, has crossed 500 badges awarded in the fall of 2017. Growth accelerates then supply diversifies, thanks to a grant from the Ministry of Education and higher education to develop new training courses online. In March 2018 will be the 1stSummit of the development in education in Quebec, a crossroads of reflection on the future of the training development of teachers. This initiative of the CADRE21, in collaboration with the CNIPE, aims to propose courses of actions to the teaching staff, school principals and the Department, to develop a real culture of professional development in schools Quebec. The best way to motivate young people to learn would be to present inspiring models to adults determined to be learners for life? And the best way to motive adults is with some sweet deal. A deal that you can find at Lucky is the one that will get the newest no deposit deals, and spoiler alert, all of you will. Their new casino promotion deals are something that shouldn’t be taken lightly, go out there and play something on us.

Personalization of teaching

One of the main advantages of ICT in education is the range of possibilities that they offer to customize teaching and respect the ministry pace of each student. With the development of training courses, we could make great strides in this direction. Already, some schools offer a variety of programs that promote educational differentiation. Other schools have revised their educational project to enable each student to progress at their own pace while remaining glued to the QEP training program. In Rawdon, the Marie school, a primary school, has developed an educational project called learning360, which allows customization of teaching with individual of high level guidance to ensure that every child progresses to its pace and according to his personal interests. This initiative is generating of known under! In the year 2017, we saw a wave of changes in thedevelopment of classes in order to promote a more active pedagogy.You think the class by releasing spaces for students to move tooccupy different places, work at their own pace. Will we see theimplementation of a more inclusive classes where each student canprogress at their own pace and develop its full potential in 2018?This is a goal more than ever within our reach thanks totechnological advances and renewed pedagogical approaches!

Enrichment of stem at the pre-school and primary school teaching     

Quebec school training programme the teaching of science and level in grade 3 and we spent about 40 hours a year until grade 6. It is little. More and more primary schools, including private schools and schools offering international program, offering anenriched program, starting with kindergarten, to allow students toacquire a solid base of knowledge in science, technology, engineeringand mathematics (stem). These initiatives cover a range ofobjectives. Given the importance that technology in the lives ofyoung people, it is desirable that they learn to use them safely andthoughtful. Among other things, they must develop the basics neededto identify reliable sources and understand that the veracity of information is not necessarily a proportional number of “likes”.Understanding what an algorithm development of critical judgment of youth with respect to the information offered to them by the various social media. Moreover, with the number of false and inaccurate information circulating, a good scientific culture turns essential for all, and not only for young people who are preparing for careers in this sector. Technologies and scientific advances are changing the relationship between individuals and society, radically changing the world of work and transform our relationship with knowledge. In this context, it’s essential to ensure that all young people acquire a solid technological and scientific culture from primary school. Wish that in 2018, a growing number of schools interested in the enrichment of stem at the pre-school and primary education. The school Vision St.Augustine, an elementary school in the Quebec region, has developed a program SMART Time. This program introduces students to the complex and to that bring them to learn in the action of new knowledge, using a proven problem-solving and engineering approach. have expressed their interest in this program.

Caring school

The elimination of bullying and violence in all its forms is the order of the day of schools in recent years. Editing 2017 of the week against bullying and violence at the school stood from 2 to 6 October on the theme of benevolence for harmonious relationships at school. It showed a willingness to go more far by creating a caring climate to make school a place free of discrimination but also an environment where young people feel listened to, respected and well along. While there is an increase in problems related to anxiety among young people, the implementation of such initiatives is a priority in 2018. Caring school will also be the theme of the next Conference of the Canadian Association in education (ACE). Make schools of walks of life caring, not only for students, but also for adults who work there, here is a project that seems to mobilize several schools in 2018!

The green school

Listening to the concerns of their students who care about our planet, schools adopt new practices:

  • school gardens to supply the school cafeteria and giving organic food to the community;
  • trays to grow herbs in the class;
  • the sale of baskets of veggies for fundraising;
  • the growth of the purchase of local food to the cafeteria;
  • green roofs and the hives of bees, etc.

These initiatives mobilize students and implement of learning done in class. Will we see a real turn green in Quebec schools in 2018? The mesh between schools and various non-profit organizations specialized in the lack of material available particularly environment could give the necessary impetus, a real green to finally get in the school environment. Students of the Notre DameCollege, in Montreal, are responsible for the Various garden, an organization nonprofit that manages a garden located on the grounds of the high school. Various garden encourages them to eat healthier, to discover new products and buy local foods. Part of the production is given to a food bank in the Côte-des-Neigesneighborhood. The number of schools who have school gardens is growing!